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Turlock National Little League

Turlock National Little League

What to Expect

When you have your child play for Turlock National Little League, you can expect well-managed fields, professional umpires, great uniforms, and a learning environment that is supportive and kind to your child no matter their skill level.

Here’s what you can expect when your child plays for TNLL.


Registration is always in January. Opening day is in March.  The season is March – May for AA, AAA, and Major Divisions.  Juniors and Seniors may have a different time frame.  All Stars starts mid to late June and runs thru July in our area. Playoffs are at the end of may once all regular games have been played.


Practice frequency and duration for regular Little League season is left up to the discretion of the managers. Usually, teams practice two to three times a week. However, some practice once a week, and some more early on in the season. Once the season starts, practices taper down as make teams pay two to three games a week.


  • Tee Ball

    One game on Saturdays beginning in March and one practice during the week.  Practices twice a week in February.
  • AA (Machine pitch)

    One game a week (Usually on a Saturday) and 1-2 practices during the week.
  • AAA/MAJORS/Juniors/Seniors

    Approximately two games a week (midweek and possibly Saturday) and multiple practices during the week.


To help keep our registration fees low, fundraising is an integral part of Turlock National Little League’s budget. Currently your registration fee only covers about 30% of the cost of league expenses. The difference is made up with revenue from fundraising, concessions, and selling of sponsorships.All parents are required to participate in TNLL’s fundraising event.  This year, we will be selling candy bars.  Each child is required to sell one box of candy bars.  You can also buyout of fundraising if you don't want to sell anything. 


For the best experience possible for your child, we have many ways for you to get involved with TNLL.  Please see our Get Involved page.



Turlock National Little League - Baseball and Softball
P O Box 2036 
Turlock, California 95381

Phone: 209-202-3315
Email: [email protected]

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